MAP 11‍-‍52‍-‍0 Mono‍-‍Ammonium Phosphate

Label     Safety Datasheet    

Great for use in custom-mixed dry blends. With a targeted combination of nitrogen and phosphate, MAP 11-52-0 is an optimal starter fertilizer on small grains, row crops, tree crops and forages. Starter fertilizers with nitrogen in the ammonium form enhance phosphorus uptake, which supports root development.

  • Benefits
  • Available Where
  1. Well-suited to a wide range of application methods such as pre-plant broadcast, banded at planting, drilled with small grains at seeding, sidedressed, or broadcast.

  2. The highly water-soluble phosphate goes to work quickly allowing efficient utilization by plants.

  3. Uniform pellet size, free flowing, blends well, spreads evenly, dust free, resists crusting and bridging in storage bins.

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

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